

Claire was Creative Partner in a collaboration brokered and supported by the Cultural Institute at King’s College London. The project’s aims were to embolden women to share their safety concerns about life threatening illness, and enable maternity response. This was achieved by designing and facilitating workshops to derive material for development of a script for animation.
The animation and music realised by Patrick Beirne (

The project has been cited as good practice by NHS London Clinical Networks London Maternal Deaths 2016 review. It has been endorsed by the Royal College of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, the Royal College of Midwives, and NHS England. It was adopted by a national charity (Tommy’s), and endorsed by two others (APEC and Sands). It has had over 900,000 views and made over 9,000,000 impressions and there have been requests for it to be shown in a variety of hospital waiting rooms. (2016 - 7)

A project team from King's Improvement Science has worked with a writer and animator to present Re-assure, a short, co-produced film aimed at helping women in pregnancy or during the postnatal period share their safety concerns about life threatening illness and enabling maternity response.

LearningClaire Collison