


An experienced tutor and facilitator, Claire specialises in designing engagement for museums and art galleries, and currently produces resources for the Government Art Collection. 

Claire was the first MaxLiteracy Writer at Kettle’s Yard, and is the MaxLiteracy Awards programme coordinator for NAWE (National Association of Writers in Education). 

She delivers workshops for a range of organisations, including the Poetry School and Poetry Society. She currently teaches at City Lit and at the Dickens Museum, and runs Write From Art workshops across London in museums and art galleries.

Claire was the inaugural MaxLiteracy writer at Kettle’s Yard, Cambridge, devising workshops that were trialled and developed as a series of online resources, Making Conversations.

Claire taught Visual Literacy at The Photographers’ Gallery, contributing to their resources for schools.

Working alongside Shona Watt, Claire delivered school workshops as part of Rivers of the World.

As Cultural Partner for Kings College Hospital, Claire designed workshops for women to reflect on their experiences of maternity and childbirth, the findings of which were produced as an animated film shown in hospitals across the UK.

She was Literature Development Facilitator for Spread the Word, and has led various projects within hospitals, schools and daycare settings, working with refugees and asylum seekers, vulnerable adults, elders and young children.

Claire mentors individual writers. At Spread the Word she mentored writers wishing to work within the community. She has given talks on all aspects of her practice, to audiences ranging from art students to medical undergraduates and breast cancer survivors.

Claire dramaturgs for Scene & Heard, a unique mentoring project that partners the inner-city children of Somers Town, London with volunteer theatre and writing professionals (Queen's Award, 2011).


Learning Projects